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MEFA Diversity & Inclusion Awards

Join Our Table

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

The inaugural MEFA Diversity and Inclusion Awards, in partnership with Campaign will look to promote and celebrate the exceptional achievements of advertisers, media organisations and individuals who wholeheartedly champion diversity and inclusion. This will further underscore the significance of establishing an inclusive industry that genuinely embraces and represents all communities.

The awards will encompass all protected characteristics including age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

The MEFA Diversity and Inclusion Awards will feature six distinctive categories that recognise outstanding contributions and efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion.

Entries are free of charge.


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Empower Change Together
Visibility sparks diversity, while inclusion thrives on proactive action.

Join Our Table seeks partners who align with our mission -

enhancing equity and access for Black women in advertising and media. 

We invite those committed to uplifting Black women's voices

through actionable initiatives to collaborate with us.

Thanks for being our Ally!  We'll keep you posted


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